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Rose Leaves


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"Camila played such a vital role in my pregnancy and delivery of my second baby. She really helped me to stay calm and to pull every ounce of strength I had. My husband was gone for training nearly all of my pregnancy and when I was stressed to my breaking point I could turn to Camila for help with how to cope and keep my stress levels down. Without her help during my labor I don't know what I would have done. My birth with my second child was beautiful, she was delivered via VBAC and everything went almost exactly how I wanted it to go and I owe a large part of that to Camila for helping me to feel empowered when I just wanted to throw in the towel. Thank you so much Camila for being there with me and my family when we welcomed my gorgeous baby girl into this world. Thank you for everything!" ~ Katie C.

Rose Leaves

I am SO happy that I found Camila and was able to have her encapsulate my placenta! Even though she just had a baby herself, she was extremely prompt when picking up and preparing my placenta. Also, the print she did is absolutely gorgeous!! I took it to Michael's immediately to have it properly framed because it's too beautiful not to have on display. She taught me belly binding as well, and was very patient with me during the learning process. I have already recommended her to several women and will continue to. If I ever have another baby, her services will be one of the first things I line up. Thanks so much again, Camila!! :-) ~ Amber H.

Rose Leaves

"I have nothing but good things to say about Camila as a doula and person for that matter. We hired a doula because I was afraid my husband could miss the delivery because of work and I am 2000 miles away from any family. It was the best decision we could have made and will do it again with future children as well, hopefully with Camila if we are still in this area.  I was not determined to have natural child birth but thats what ended up happening and my husband and I could not have done it without her. After about 30 hours of labor and two trips to the hospital where I was sent home, she did a meditation and hand massage and that allowed me to rest for the first time since labor had started.  I was very anxious and she was always calming and never panicked. She talked to my husband on the phone through out the labor process and was present when we needed her To be. She kept telling me that I could do this even when I was convinced a c-section was inevitable. I ended up delivering a beautiful, healthy baby boy with no epidural! I honestly didn't know I had it in me but she did! I was so proud of myself and even walked myself and pushed the baby to the postpartum side of the floor. 

Camila supported all of my decisions and beliefs and did not pressure me to make certain decisions but did make sure I had the information that as available. My husband and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a doula." ~ E.M.

Rose Leaves

"We hired Camila as our birth doula after being encouraged by a friend who has experienced two natural hospital births. After a lot of research on childbirth, I found Well Rounded Momma and began interviewing doulas. We felt very comfortable and compatible with Camila from the start and were so fortunate that she could take us on as clients the month our son was due. Over the course of my pregnancy, we communicated primarily through email and text messages whenever I had a question, concern, or update. That worked very well for me and was reassuring to a first-time mom to have access to her knowledge and expertise. The two prenatal meetings were very helpful - the first to get to know one another and establish a plan for what we wanted from our birth experience and the second focused primarily on how I was doing and demonstrating different comfort measures we could use during labor. On the day of our son's birth, I had to undergo an induction due to high blood pressure. Despite being completely effaced and 5 centimeters dilated, I was not going into natural labor. We headed straight to the hospital and started a pitocin drip shorty after Camila arrived. She was absolutely wonderful and helped us navigate the difficulties of paperwork, procedure, and other hospital policies. I felt completely supported in my decision to accept an epidural and she rolled with every change in the birth plan that we faced. A fantastic coach, working in tandem with my husband during the worst of my labor, Camila was on her feet and physically involved while I pushed for hours. Along with my husband and Camila's encouragement, I finally delivered our son vaginally; he weighed over 8 pounds and was occiput posterior. During our postpartum visit, Camila recounted my labor and delivery to me, answering questions and providing valuable information about what transpired while I was in "labor land." I know most people would probably not want to relive their labor, but I did and I'm so thankful for all the clarifying questions she asked the doctor and nurses. I now have a very clear picture of my labor and delivery which helps me to process the experience. We would recommend Camila's services to anyone expecting a child and truly believe that she directly contributed to my not having had a c-section. Her calm, warm, reassuring presence in the delivery room meant a great deal to us and we are thankful she was with us on this wonderful journey." ~ Natosha B.

Rose Leaves

"Camila worked with our family as a Newborn Care Specialist for the first few months of our twin boys’ lives—and how truly fortunate we were to have her!! Camila is a delightful person who is both keenly professional and wholly dedicated to her craft.

As a first time mother, I now cannot imagine going through the process of bringing home and caring for twins without her assistance. While the first few days and weeks are certainly a special and memorable time in the lives of new parents (first time or otherwise), it can be a stressful and exhausting experience as well. Camila was both extraordinary and indispensable to us in that regard—she taught us so much about how to care for our boys (and ourselves!) and did it all with kindness, patience and aplomb.

Camila is extremely knowledgeable about the many aspects of child (and new mother!) care. Case in point: I had no idea what I was doing as far as breastfeeding was concerned and she coached me along the entire way—and when, as I sat down to a three a.m. feeding and broke down crying for no apparent reason (or perhaps totally expected?? Ha!), she took me in hand, gave me a hug, and assured me I was doing the best I could and everything was and would continue to be just fine. What a trooper! Needless to say, we would breathe a sigh of relief each night when she arrived and eagerly look forward to her return as she cheerily waved goodbye in the morning!

As our children grew, Camila was integral in helping us configure and maintain a feeding/activity/sleeping regimen. Moreover, as with many parents, we looked forward to the day when our children would blissfully sleep through the night and with Camila’s hard work and dedication, they soon were! When the boys seemed to be suffering from reflux, she shared valuable tips and kindly offered recommendations as to how we might make them happier, more comfortable little boys. And they are! Additionally, upon Camila’s completion of her night nurse services with our family, she generously presented us with a comprehensive continuation plan for their future goals/success. Since then, we have engaged Camila’s services from time to time as special needs arise and will gladly continue to do so.

Above all, Camila is a warm, gracious and gentle person who so obviously loves children. We are so pleased to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from her. She has been a blessing on this house and we will be forever in her debt." ~ Jennifer B.

Rose Leaves

"Camila was a God send! As a first time, older, single mom I was a nervous wreck trying to learn to be a mom and recover from a c- section...Camila was a friend, teacher and advocate who eased my fears and empowered me!" ~ Jenn B. 

Rose Leaves
"When I became pregnant with my first, I knew I wanted to have a natural, low intervention and drug free childbirth. This became important to me, and I did my research. When friends told me I needed to find a doula, I contacted Well Rounded Momma and was referred with a list of some student doulas. I read Camila’s bio and contacted her. I am glad I did as she is an excellent doula and great match for us.
She met with us in our home a few different times before the actual birth, always prepared and organized with a bunch of information for my husband and myself to review, educate ourselves, and exercises to practice at home before labor. Camila also met us (on short notice) at the hospital for the hospital tour and was sure to ask plenty of questions and get information for us. She listened to all of our requests and concerns and was always very warm, welcoming, supportive, and professional in every way. She is sure to constantly educate herself and share her knowledge with others.
She was there any time of day we needed her and let us know if she couldn’t be that she had backup available for us. My labor was 27 hours long (and that included hours of pushing). I was able to give birth to my daughter naturally and un-medicated I believe mostly due to the fact I had Camila as my doula. She came to our home and assisted in many ways and helped my husband to assist me during labor and with each contraction. She came prepared with materials, kept track of my contractions for me and was wonderful, supportive, and positive. I labored at home for most of it, then we went to the hospital when I was 7 cm dilated.
Camila made sure I had everything I needed, knew my birth plan and preferences, and had a great rapport with the nurses on duty that night. I believe this all helped me to have such a wonderful labor and delivery experience. She remained calm, and calmed me when I needed it. She stayed with us after our daughter was born for over an hour, making sure I got food and was there to assist with anything I needed. She also came to our home about a week after the baby was born to do a follow up visit, provide me with breastfeeding resources I needed, and just be a support. I would definitely recommend Camila as a doula, and wouldn’t hesitate to have her as my doula again. I know she is training to be a midwife and I have complete confidence she will be great!"~ Jennifer M.
Rose Leaves

"My husband and I are both pediatricians, and Camila cared for our daughter from the time she was 7 weeks old until our daughter was 13 months. Camila is fantastic. My daughter adored her and I always felt comfortable leaving her with Camila. 

Camila took care of our daughter on overnights and when she was sick, and I new that our baby was in wonderful hands. My only regret about Camila is that I couldn't take her with us when we moved out of state!" ~ Sarah N. 

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